Conversation completion
ინგლისური ენის მასწავლებლის ბლოგი/English Teacher Blog
The Institute for Education and Debate visited us at school. Students were awarded for competing in a Regional Tournament and I was awarded as a debate teacher for professional development.
It has been 12 years since I won the second prize of "Student Initiative 2009". I think this will be a good example for my students. I was 19 years old and my articles were published in the newspaper on the following topics: Democracy, Gender equality, etc. I want to tell the new generation that now is their time to be more active in this issues as citizens. Actions always start in the early years. Never say: " I'll do it later".
The best day of my and my students ’school life. Our school television was broadcast for the first time on the International Children's Day and my idea was alive. My students were for the first time in front of the cameras as journalists. The filming process turned out to be very fun and interesting for each of us. Completely exciting and giving a new experience. The next broadcast will be better😉
The students of Debate Club which I lead for one year now are the winners of a Regional Debate Tournament by Georgian Institute for Debate and Education. Congratulations and good luck to them. We are preparing for the National tournament.
That's a little inspiration from me! If you are a teacher do not hesitate to read it!