Friday, June 25, 2021

Award Ceremony for the Debate Club

 The Institute for Education and Debate visited us at school. Students were awarded for competing in a Regional Tournament and I was awarded as a debate teacher for professional development.

Saturday, June 19, 2021

 It has been 12 years since I won the second prize of "Student Initiative 2009". I think this will be a good example for my students. I was 19 years old  and my articles were published in the newspaper on the following topics: Democracy, Gender equality, etc. I want to tell the new generation that now is their time to be more active in this issues as citizens. Actions always start in the early years. Never say: " I'll do it later".

Thursday, June 3, 2021

School TV Show

The best day of my and my students ’school life. Our school television was broadcast for the first time on the International Children's Day and my idea was alive. My students were for the first time in front of the cameras as journalists. The filming process turned out to be very fun and interesting for each of us. Completely exciting and giving a new experience. The next broadcast will be better😉

Wednesday, June 2, 2021

We are the winners of Regional Debate Tournament

The students of Debate Club which I lead for one year now are the winners of a Regional Debate Tournament by Georgian Institute for Debate and Education. Congratulations and good luck to them. We are preparing for the National tournament.

Wednesday, May 26, 2021

Teachers, this is really hard, but remember yourself at the age of students!

When I was a little kid, I always wanted to ring school bell soon to end the lesson and I didn’t even know why I was studying, I just knew I had to study and it was all.  Now when I am a teacher and I look into the eyes of children of the same age on the lesson, I remember myself. Sometimes teachers say that students have difficult behaviors and some of them are interested nothing during the lesson. It is terribly difficult for a teacher to deal with a student in difficult behaviors, but it is more difficult to grasp his or her inner nature and identify the reason for his behavior. If you can do this it will be easy to get him interested on lesson.

One day I found out that a  noisy student,  who could not study well, had a surprisingly warm heart and amazingly tired eyes. I observed him all the time and at the same time I continued the usual work process. He was getting tired and tired of being in class. It was the time that I remembered myself, not because I had poor academic marks or could not study, No, I just remembered how I wanted to ring the bell because of boring lessons. And I realized how he suffered in these squandered minutes and suddenly the pupil's eyes woke me up. I did not want to be a teacher who just explained grammar or wrote vocabulary on the board, I just wanted to be a teacher who would provide a happy environment for children at school. 

I have been fighting for 10 years students to love school. As I meet each new student, I encounter a new dilemma and the method that works with one is useless with the other, but I try endlessly. Exactly, good teaching means trying many times without getting tired. The only thing a teacher needs to teach a student, first of all, is humanity and you as a teacher should learn how to beautify students school life. That's all, I think,  it is the formula for happiness for students and teachers. The rest will be improved on its own.

Tuesday, May 4, 2021

I remember when I wrote this I spent just a couple of minutes, probably because the Drama Club is what I love most from extra school activities.


Why Drama Club at School

That's a little inspiration from me! If you are a teacher do not hesitate to read it!

You might be wondering how math, literature, history, geography, or foreign language teachers can run a drama club at school. What benefits can this bring to them in their lesson?  A drama club is much more than just a club. This is a chance for student to develop creativity, self-confidence, refine the manner of speaking, work on memory better than any medicine it can do and finally have fun at school. 

And you still think you can not set up a club at school?

If you are a history teacher, ask students to play the role of a famous person and present the world famous event in a different way in your classroom. Ask students to look for additional information and be different during the performance. If you are a geography teacher, ask your student to play the role of a traveler or do it yourself. Create a design in a drama club that reminds your students old era. If you are a math teacher and you think math formulas can not connect to a drama club, this is fault ! You can ask the student to play the role of a famous mathematician and imagine themselves as a Pythagoras or Euclid Alexandria. Just take the students on adventures and see how interesting your subject become for them in future.

I'm an English teacher and since 2011 I  have been leading a Drama Club at school and today I have lots of different aged students here. Extracurricular activities such as Drama club gave excellent opportunities for my students to explore and discover new interests. It could benefit social and personal development and provide students with skills they’ll use both inside and outside the classroom. After Drama club my students developed confidence, communication and language skills, social awareness and creativity.

While teaching at Drama Club, I discovered different skills and amazing talents in my students that I did not know before. After discovering this talent, I tried to use these skills in the classroom as a strength of my students. For example, A student who had an amazing singing ability, I have been teaching him/her English with videos, music and also songs since that time. For a student who was a good artist, I gave him / her role-playing activities in the lesson where the student would play the role of a text character in front of the class. With Drama Club I change my teaching methods according to the characteristics of the students every day. Finally, what Drama Club has brought me is a warm and friendly relationship with my students and it taught me how to teach properly based on the characteristics of the child with different abilities.

If you have not decided to set up a drama club yet, try and the result will be more useful than you can imagine now!

I know these words are just my thoughts, but I sincerely think they are true!

I want to share my experience about Pen Pals!


Why pen-pals in classroom?

21st century education is very different from the requirements and standards of the previous century. Learning foreign languages ​​in the classroom today cannot be done with the old methods, such as only doing grammar exercises, completing assignments, and just reading a text. Of course all of them are necessary and at the same time very much, but it is not enough for students to learn the languages and use them in real life.

When students have pen-pals, they have real communication with  foreign peers or teachers, they improve their language skills in a real-life situation. Learning a language in real communication  helps them to master language easily and their pronunciation become improved. 

Learning is fun with pen-pals. Language learning is no longer a tedious and routine. My students are excited when they look forward to meeting a foreign peer. They are diligently preparing, developing a new vocabulary to speak to foreigners.

Pen-pal develops respect for foreign culture in students. Students have the opportunity to meet people of different religions, cultures and backgrounds from around the world. Children love and respect different people from childhood. They can see the world through other eyes.

International correspondence is one of the benefits that a student will receive. Students will develop writing skills that will have a positive impact on their careers in the future. It will also facilitate the future involvement of students in exchange programs.

Another positive result that the student will get is the ability to make new friends and develop communication skills. These skills are essential for a person to be successful in their career and by developing these skills you will help your students succeed in the field of work in the future.

As a teacher, your lesson will definitely be fun and exciting. At least, your students love you very much that is probably not at least, at all. This is everything for teachers. My students have received many positive benefits from Pen-Pal. Now is your and your students time to explore the exciting world.

                                                                                                   Author: Marine Porchkhidze