I was a participant of the Global Online Course "English as a Medium of Instruction". I completed 64-hour courses that provided with theories and practices of teaching disciplinary content in English. Thanks for U.S. Department to give me this great chance to collaborate educators around the world and get extra knowledge.
I offer my webinars on the topic "Web 2.0. Using tools in learning process. I hope it will help you to manage the learning process in a more interesting way and develop your student 21st century technological skills. Using them in the classroom facilitates collaboration with peers around the world. These tools develop students' creativity and lead students to become "makers". Web 2.0. are good for project work and what's more, their use is free.
"Using Web 2.0 tools StoryJumper & BookCreator"
"Using Web 2.0 tools Flipsnack & Flipgrid"
"Using Web 2.0 tools Genially & Wakelet"
Teacher Conference 2021
I was a speaker at the Teacher National Conference 2021, organizing by the Club of Top ten of National Teacher Award. Getting and sharing experience here is always interesting and useful.
Teacher Inspiration Week
I was participating in Teacher Inspiration Week from 14th to 19th December 2020 organizing by India.
The convention offers professional development opportunities to English language educators at all levels from around the world. In lively interactive sessions, educators develop a global perspective through the exchange of ideas and practices. Participants integrate knowledge of current trends in the field while developing a professional network. I was sponsored by the U.S. Department of states in Georgia as one of the participants in TESOL .
Teacher National Conference 2020
I was a speaker at the National Conference 2020 organizing Georgian Teacher Professional Development Center. My topic was "Using Web 2.0 tools in learning process". I talked about the challenges, problems, and achievements of distance learning.
Georgia virtual activity group meeting 2
Reflective Tools 2
Reflective Tools 1
Discovering e-portfolios webinar 2
Discovering e-portfolios webinar 1
Spring Campaign 2020 Eco-Schools
Mobile Tools for Inclusive Classroom
completion of full IC
completion of IC Module 3
completion of IC Module 2
completion of IC Module 1
Spring Campaign 2020: SENSE Group Senseminar
Critical Thinking
Erasmus+ STEM Projects
Evaluation of Pupil in New Curriculum
Education in the age of Cognitive Machines
Using tools in our e-Twinning projects

How to teach online
English for Academic Study
Learning Online
Preparing for teaching
Professional development for early career teachers
Management and Leadership
Challenges of 21st century education
Research ethics
Using virtual scenarios to create effective learning
"English Book Education"

What is Structured Literacy and Why Does It Matter
Classroom Management Strategies for Little Learners
Minding the Gap Are You Providing Equitable Access in Reading
A Road Map to Effective Writing Instruction
Reducing Challenging Behaviors in Students with Autism
Create Equitable Access for Students with Reading Deficits
Guiding Students' Early Learning Journeys
Leveraging Free Digital Tools for Authentic Assessment
Successful Women in Leadership
Fulfilling Students' Potential Through Engaging Literacy Practices
Changing Behavior by Fostering Lasting Engagement
Creating Accessible Learning Environments
Classroom Mental Health Strategies for Students and Teachers
Comprehensive Assessment Systems
Effective Professional Learning
Building STEAM Confidence and Creativity in Middle School
Create Safe and Equitable Learning Environments through Ethical Decision Making
Competition in Education Supports Computational Thinking
The Vocabulary Edge for English Learners
Transition Plans for Students with Autism
Assignment Analysis
Heart-Centered Classroom Design
Empower Student Voices with Design Thinking
Leading Digital Learning
Climate Change and Its Impact on the Ocean
Ready Player One Esports in K-12
The Broadband Imperative Driving Connectivity, Access, and Student Success
Setting the Stage for Early Literacy
Using Data to Demonstrate the Impact of Library Programs on Student Learning
What Makes Effective Coaching Programs Lessons Learned from the Dynamic Learning Project
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